Posted originally as a Twitter thread @ianshen
As your OPPORTUNITY to grow emerges during these uncertain times, get ready to PIVOT powerfully.
Here are my EIGHT KEYS for a foundational mindset to help you transition from A to B.
Allow for possibilities right now by letting go of past constraints. Past obsessions create paralyzing anxieties about the future. Drop ‘em all. Get centered & clear. Decide what you can possibly create, then acquire the resources to do so. Focus.
Integrity is our access to rapid rapport, trust, and influence with others, the pathway to getting everything we want in life. When we ARE our word, opportunities open up. Keep your word at all cost. Honor promises to self and agreements with others.
Our experience of life is determined by the QUALITY of ENERGY we generate day-to-day. Prioritize wisely your frequency, intensity & proportion of food & water, movement & flexibility, mindfulness & sleep. Looking great is fine but being HEALTHY is awesome.
Why paint with black alone when you have a rainbow of colors from and with which to enliven life’s canvas? Flexibility & curiosity unlock imagination. Dare to question, be fearlessly inquisitive & adventurous. Draw with aquamarine. Heck, why paint? Sculpt.
Fight, flight or freeze…but why limit ourselves? Rise to new heights of awareness. Awaken consciousness from across the room, from a perch among the tallest trees. Go high, then assess the view. You’re not your body or ego, not enslaved to emotion.
Why paddle needlessly against the current? Stop & accept what is. Breathe. The boat’s not sinking. Life is not an escape act. Allow your awareness to expand—why row when you can walk along the shore? Allow options to emerge; accept what presents itself.
Love Oneself first to love others more freely. Live by intention not only desire. Be generous with time & resources. Choose always magnanimity & graciousness in word & deed. More humility, less demandingness. Don’t use others. Forgive. Love for the long haul.